Chiropractic for Neck Pain Relief in Liberty Township

Neck pain is a prevalent issue affecting individuals from various walks of life, regardless of their level of physical activity. Often, neck pain originates from dysfunctions or injuries to the soft tissues surrounding the neck or within the cervical spine. At Break Through Pain, Dr. Mike Turjanica understands the intricate connections within the body's musculoskeletal system, comprising joints, muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, and other connective tissues. As chiropractors, we offer non-invasive, safe, and effective solutions to alleviate neck pain and empower the body's natural healing process.

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Why Do I Have Neck Pain?

Neck pain can arise from a singular traumatic incident or develop gradually due to habitual poor movement patterns. Regardless of the cause, when the neck is injured, everyday activities such as turning your head or maintaining proper posture can become challenging.

Given the crucial role the neck plays in supporting various daily functions, it's essential to identify the root cause of your neck pain for proactive and proper care.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

  • Poor posture and ergonomics
  • Sedentary lifestyle or prolonged sitting/standing
  • Improper sleep position
  • Regularly moving and lifting heavy items
  • Repetitive neck use, often due to work or activities
  • Acute injury or sudden accident
  • Wear and tear or aging
  • Improper warm-ups and cool-downs

Much like knee pain, the interconnected nature of the body's structures means that an issue in one area can manifest as pain elsewhere. For instance, misalignments in the cervical spine can lead to radiating pain or discomfort in the shoulders and arms.

Dr. Mike Turjanica's comprehensive assessment at Break Through Pain will help us understand the underlying cause of your neck pain, considering factors such as movements, lifestyle, and exercises.

 When left untreated, neck pain can progress to more severe conditions, including:

  • Cervical disc herniation
  • Cervical radiculopathy
  • Muscle strains or sprains
  • Chronic headaches
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • And others

Dr. Mike aims not only to provide immediate relief but also to address the root cause of your neck pain, promoting lasting comfort and mobility.

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Can a Chiropractor Help My Neck Pain?

Rehabilitative chiropractic care is a proven and trusted approach to reduce neck pain and address dysfunctions within the cervical spine and surrounding soft tissues. Our experienced chiropractor, Dr. Mike Turjanica, at Break Through Pain conducts a detailed physical exam to assess your body comprehensively and determine the root cause of your pain.

Break Through Pain's solution encompasses gentle yet effective methods, including natural therapies, targeted exercises, stretches, and guidance on preventative care. Whether you're experiencing neck stiffness, chronic pain, or loss of range of motion, our chiropractic care can help you function and mobilty. 

 Contact us today to learn more or book your appointment now.

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Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Your Neck Pain

Neck pain can significantly impact your daily life, affecting everything from work to leisure activities. Collaborating with Break Through Pain to address the source of your neck pain can improve comfort, motion patterns, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Chiropractic care offers several benefits for neck pain, including:

  • Enhanced cervical joint and soft tissue health
  • Improved neck mobility
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improved overall body function and performance
  • Increased productivity and focus
  • Reduced mental stress
  • Improved posture

 Don't let neck pain hinder your life any longer; relief is within reach.

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How We Treat Patients with Neck Pain

At our Liberty Township neck pain chiropractic clinic, we focus on comprehensive support for the body, providing solutions that yield optimal results in minimal time. Our commitment is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle through extended appointments and education.

We prioritize non-invasive approaches over reliance on pain medication or aggressive healthcare procedures. Dr. Mike will draw from various chiropractic techniques and solutions to strengthen and promote the health of your neck.

 Our comprehensive neck pain services include:

Combining In-Clinic (or In-Home) treatments with take-home exercises and lifestyle insights, we aim to facilitate your progress toward optimal neck function.

Break Through Pain: Lasting Chiropractic Solutions for Neck Pain

Our rehabilitative chiropractic care is designed to guide you through a healing journey using safe, therapeutic methods. At Break Through Pain, Dr. Mike Turjanica offers various solutions and trusted advice to support you in achieving your happiest, healthiest, and most efficient self.

If you're ready to take the next step toward a pain-free and active life, schedule an appointment with us today.

Take the next step.

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From Our Patients

"Exceptional Chiropractic Care

What truly sets apart Dr. Mike Turjanica is his genuine care, expertise, professionalism and empathy he offers. It’s not just about the skilled therapeutic care he provides; it’s about healing the whole person. His holistic approach to chiropractic care is first class.

I wholeheartedly recommend Break Through Pain services to anyone in need of personalized care and effective chiropractic treatment. Thank you Dr. Mike for not only being an incredible chiropractor but also a true friend. Your passion for healing and your compassionate approach make a real difference in people’s lives. Keep up the great work and never lose that big smile!"

- Erich D. //Mason, Ohio