Plantar Fasciitis Breakthrough: Navigating Relief with Rehab Chiropractic Careadline

Plantar Fasciitis: Introduction

Plantar fasciitis can become a debilitating foot condition that will plague you for months on end, especially if left untreated. The discomfort and pain associated with this condition will have an equal impact on not only your mobility but also your overall quality of life. If you find yourself grappling with the persistent agony of plantar fasciitis, you're not alone. The good news is that there's a breakthrough in relief, and it comes in the form of rehab chiropractic care – utilizing soft tissue therapy and exercise rehabilitation to improve function and get you back on your feet again!

In this blog, we'll dive deep into our current understanding of plantar fasciitis and explore the innovative world of chiropractic care as an effective solution. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of plantar fasciitis and discover the path to relief through the lens of a rehab chiropractor.

***Stay tuned to the end and you’ll discover 5 effective Home Exercises you can utilize to achieve symptom relief from plantar fasciitis***


Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis | Causes | Symptoms | Treatment | Allevaite Pain Clinic

Plantar fasciitis isn't just a foot problem; it's a common ailment that affects the very foundation of our daily activities. The plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes, can become inflamed and cause persistent pain. This inflammation is often the result of:

  • Overuse
  • Improper footwear
  • Overweight individuals
  • Underlying biomechanical issues

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are unmistakable:

  • Location of pain – heel and or arch
  • Stiffness
  • Dull, constant ache
  • Pain usually first few steps either in the morning or after sitting or lying down for an extended period of time
  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the heel, especially during the first steps in the morning or after prolonged periods of inactivity. As the day progresses, the pain may ease, only to return after extended periods of standing or walking

Understanding the causes and symptoms of plantar fasciitis is crucial in navigating effective treatment options. In the following sections, we will explore traditional approaches to managing this condition and introduce the groundbreaking possibilities offered through rehab chiropractic care. Your foot health journey starts now!

Traditional Treatment Approaches

While traditional treatments for plantar fasciitis have been widely adopted, it's crucial to understand their limitations and explore alternative, less invasive approaches, such as rehab chiropractic care, as a primary option. Common traditional methods include rest, ice, stretching exercises, corticosteroid injections, and prescription medications, all aimed at mitigating symptoms. However, these approaches may not always provide a comprehensive solution to the root causes of plantar fasciitis – which oftentimes lies deep into biomechanical dysfunction into the foot, ankle, or even the hip.

Rest and Ice
Resting the affected foot and applying ice can offer temporary relief by reducing inflammation. While helpful, these measures might only provide short-term respite and may not actively address the underlying biomechanical issues contributing to plantar fasciitis.

Stretching Exercises
Regular stretching exercises are often recommended to alleviate tension in the plantar fascia. While stretching can be beneficial, it might not be sufficient in addressing the instability portion of this condition, often yielding unsatisfactory results.

Corticosteroid Injections and Prescription Medications
Medical interventions, such as corticosteroid injections and prescription medications, are sometimes employed to combat inflammation and manage pain. While these measures can offer relief, they are typically considered second-line treatments due to potential side effects and the temporary nature of their impact.


These above traditional treatment options all have a place in the management of plantar fasciitis, but often with plantar fasciitis, as well as many other conditions, it’s usually a multifaceted approach to achieving results and getting symptom relief. The majority of medical providers oftentimes refer these cases out to rehab specialists initially to address the biomechanical dysfunction of the condition, which regularly is the driver for plantar fasciitis to develop in the first place. If results aren’t achieved in the first line of defense through rehabilitation care, then these traditional treatment options then become more relevant to achieve symptom relief.

The Rehab Chiropractors Approach to Treating Plantar Fasciitis

As rehab chiropractors, our approach to treating plantar fasciitis is rooted in a deep understanding of the mechanics of the foot and lower extremity. This profound insight allows us to not only address the symptoms but to decipher the underlying causes, developing a tailored rehabilitation program to correct dysfunctions and enhance overall function, ultimately leading to symptom relief.

Understanding the Mechanics
To fully understand why you are dealing with plantar fasciitis, you need to initially address what biomechanical flaws you have in your gait cycle. Understanding where those “weak links” are in the gait cycle, will be a great starting point to improve on those limitations, which in turn, will improve function, which ultimately, results in significantly less tension of the plantar fascia.

Common biomechanical flaws we see with plantar fasciitis:

  • Limited ankle dorsiflexion
  • Limited big toe extension
  • Dropped arches when weight-bearing
  • Weaker outer hip muscles
  • Tight calf muscle group

Soft Tissue Therapy: A Superior Approach

Central to our approach is the application of soft tissue therapy, a technique that stands out as a superior option in the realm of plantar fasciitis treatment. Unlike some traditional methods, soft tissue therapy doesn't merely address the symptoms; it actively engages with the fascia, aiming to release tension and restore elasticity. This hands-on approach, administered by skilled rehab chiropractors, goes beyond surface-level relief, working to alleviate pain and improve overall foot function.

The beauty of soft tissue therapy lies in its precision—it targets the fascia, the very source of discomfort in plantar fasciitis, with a focus on promoting healing and resilience. Through this meticulous approach, we guide your fascia toward release, paving the way for reduced pain and enhanced mobility.


Exercise Rehab - Specific for Plantar Fasciitis

Here are five research-backed exercises often utilized in the treatment and management for plantar fasciitis


Can Breakthrough Pain Help with Plantar Fasciitis?

Dr. Mike Turjanica has been treating patients with plantar fasciitis for over a decade now. Throughout that time, he has meticulosity crafted his approach to treating this condition to focus on three things:

  1. Understanding the biomechanics, and how flaws in those biomechanics lead to your plantar fasciitis
  2. Utilizing soft tissue therapy to address your fascial restrictions
  3. Development of a custom Hom Exercise Program to address the biomechanical issues with your condition

Relief is Within Reach with Breakthrough Pain – Start with a Free Discovery Visit

If you are someone who has been dealing with plantar fasciitis, or any type of foot pain, and you are tired of trying everything under the sun to give you relief – Dr. Mike Turjanica is happy to see you in his office for a free 30-minute Discovery Visit. This visit is designed to help him, as the provider, understand your condition better, and you, as a patient, to ask as many questions as possible to determine if this is a route you would like to explore. After going through this Discovery Visit, Dr. Mike will have a true understanding of your condition, why you are suffering from pain, and he will have a great understanding of whether or not he can help you. If he believes he will help with your condition, he will also know how long a treatment plan will take to get you out of pain.

The Discovery Visit is a no-pressure, no-obligation visit. If you decide not to pursue care, Dr. Mike will not dive deep into his “sales pitches” to sign you up. He will be glad to provide information, educate his patients, and give them all the information they want regarding their condition. But, if you desire to go through care with Breakthrough Pain, your future self will for sure thank you!